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Nestor OS


Company Slogan The best? No, even more than that.
Formed April 26th 2013 (as a YouTube Channel) September 11th 2014 (nestorOS versions)
Company Website nestorOS nsUI

Nestor Page

Nestor Page is a small Spanish PPT OS company, founded on April 26th 2013 as a YouTube channel. They started making wireframes on September 11th 2014. The wireframes were low-end only before, but now they are mid-range (standard). Low-end wireframes started again in 2019 with the release of nestorOS 19.04.1 Lite.

It was reset twice. The first one was on December 2015, and the second one being on April 2017.

Its first release was Nestor OS 1, released on September 11th 2014, using only 4 slides (it wasn’t taken seriously at the time, and that’s why it got reset 2 times).

Nestor OS is improving a lot over the time, but there were some failures between 2014 and 2019, except in 2018.

Actually, the lastest release is nestorOS 19.04.1, released in June 5th 2019, and a final version is being developed for October 21st 2019, which is nestorOS 19.10 LSB.

The dissolution is planned to have 3 stages: The 1st stage being in December 31st 2019, the 2nd being in January 2021, and the 3rd will be in January 2023.



v1 (Under Construction)

v0.8 (Under Construction)

v0.7.1 (April 10th, 2021)

v0.7 (March 24th, 2021)

v0.6.1b (March 3rd, 2021)

v0.6.1a (February 27th, 2021)

v0.6.1 (February 26th, 2021)

v0.6 (February 23rd, 2021)

v0.5.1 (January 12th, 2021)

v0.5 (January 9th, 2021)

v0.4 (Never Released)

v0.3 (January 7th, 2021)

v0.2.3a (December 29th, 2020)

v0.2.3 (December 27th, 2020)

v0.2.2 (December 24th, 2020)

v0.2.1a (December 23rd, 2020)

v0.2.1 (December 23rd, 2020)

v0.2 (December 19th, 2020)

v0.1.2 (June 30th, 2020)

v0.1.1 (June 29th, 2020)

v0.1 (June 23rd, 2020)

Support of nsUI Versions

nsUI v0.x (v0.1 - present): Until June 25th 2025


Support of Nestor OS 17.10 LSB / Framework 2019 RTM

Framework 2019 RTM: Support for nestorOS Framework 2019 RTM ended on January 11th 2021. You must have nestorOS Framework 2019 R2 to keep recieving security updates from nestorOS Update

17.10 LSB: Extended support for nestorOS 17.10 LSB ended on January 11th 2021. Make sure you upgraded to nestorOS 19.10 LSB to keep recieving the lastest upgrades from nestorOS Update.



nsUI v1.x
nsUI v0.x
Nestor OS 19.04.1 Lite UI